
Himtrust ENP (leveling)

Two-component epoxy self-leveling floor for smoothing layers.

Ratio A:B: 100:15
Истираемость (мг/1000 оборотов): 100-110
Metal adhesion (MPa): 3-4

Himtrust ENP (transparent)

Two-component epoxy self-leveling floor for transparent coatings with a glossy surface.

Ratio A:B: 100:60
Истираемость (мг/1000 оборотов): 70-80
Metal adhesion (MPa): 3-4

Himtrust ENP (universal)

Two-component epoxy self-leveling floor for obtaining resistant to aggressive chemical environment coatings.

Ratio A:B: 100:30
Истираемость (мг/1000 оборотов): 80-90
Metal adhesion (MPa): 3-4