Himtrust Polyurethane for Manual Application 1K
A one-component polyurethane applied by hand for the waterproofing of building structures.
Himtrust Water-Based Waterproof Sealant
A single-component UV-resistant acrylic vapor-permeable sealant for waterproofing concrete and metal structures using manual tools or airless spray systems.
Himtrast Primer-VM (2K)
Epoxy two-component thixotropic primer for creating an adhesive layer on concrete and metal surfaces.
Himtrast PM for Sculptures
Polyurea is designed to protect foam sculptures from adverse weather conditions and impact loads.
Himtrust Puma - B
Mastic absorbing vibration and noise on sleepers (cross ties) of train tracks.
Himtrust PM (standard)
Standard waterproofing of roofs, foundations, pools, tanks, corrosion protection of metals.
Himtrust Primer-NP (2K)
Two-component primer for self-leveling floors.
Himtrust PM (solid)
Durable waterproofing of roofs, foundations, tanks, corrosion protection of metals.
Himtrust PM (elastic)
For waterproofing roofs, foundations, tanks, corrosion protection of metals.