Filling foam
Himtrust SKT-40
Component A - KAT-40, component B: Wannate PM-200 etc.
Himtrust SKT-40 (slower)
Component A - KAT-40(slower), component B: Wannate PM-200 etc.
Himtrust SKT-40F
Component A - KAT-40F, component B: Wannate PM-200 etc.
Himtrust AC-5
For anti-adhesion coating in molds. Mass fraction of non-volatile substances not less than 5%.
Himtrust AC -10/SM
For anti-adhesive coating in molds. The mass fraction of non-volatile substances is not less than 10%.
Himtrust AC-15
For anti-adhesive coating in molds. The mass fraction of non-volatile substances is not less than 15%.
Himtrust SKT-40/55
For production of "pipe in a pipe", "pipe in a form", the pre-insulated pipes products.
Himtrust AC-45
For anti-adhesive coating in molds. The mass fraction of non-volatile substances is not less than 45%.
Himtrust AC-60
For anti-adhesive coating in molds. Mass fraction of non-volatile substances not less than 60%.
Himtrust SKS-40/141 (131)
Two-component system for the production of the "shell" of polyurethane foam with a density of the finished product 60 kg/m3 and above.
Himtrust SKT-90 PPM
Component A - KAT-90 PPM, component B: Wannate PM-200 etc.
Himtrust SKSP-40
Two-component system for the SIP manufacture and sandwich panels of polyurethane foam with a density of the finished product not less than 55 kg/m3.
Himtrust SKD-50
System for the PU foam structural elements production with a density of 80-120 kg/m3 in the finished product.
Himtrust SKD-100
System for the PU foam structural elements production with a density of 200-300 kg/m3 in the finished product.
Himtrust SKD-140
System for the polyurethane foam structural elements production with a density of 300-400 kg/m3 in the finished product.
Himtrust SKD-250
System for the polyurethane foam structural elements production with a density of 400-600 kg/m3 in the finished product.
Himtrust SKD-1000
Non- foaming system designed to obtain fast – drying monolithic polyurethane.