Product description
Component A of Himtrust KAN-30/141 G3 (winter up to −15): mixture of polyesters and special additives.
Component B: polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate.
Physical and mechanical parameters of Component A
Dynamic viscosity at 25 °C
100-300 mPa-s
Density at 25°C
1.00-1.10 g/cm3
Start time
2-3 sec
Rising time
10-15 sec
Apparent density with free foaming
30-33 kg/m3
PU in the finished product
Product density
42-48 kg/m3
Compression strength
0.19 N/mm2
Bending strength
0.3-0.35 N/mm2
Heat conductivity
0.022-0.024 W/(m*K)
Recommended ratio of volumetric parts of components A and B: 100 : 100
Component preparation
- For reactivity and viscosity of components before processing, heat component A to 28-30 ° C, component B 40-50 ° C with heating belts.
- After heating component A stir with a paddle stirrer for 30 minutes at a speed of 500-1000 rpm.
- Do not stir component B if stored at ≥ +15 °C. If stored at temperatures below +15 ° C, slowly heat to a temperature not exceeding +50 ° C. Then roll the barrel horizontally until homogeneous (homogeneous) at least 30 minutes.
Surface requirements and environmental conditions
- The surface for the application of polyurethane foam must be clean, dry, dust-free and degreased, without crumbling and crumbling areas.
- Clean the surface of bituminous materials (roofing felt, roofing paper, etc.) mechanically. The surface of concrete, epoxy, polymethylmethacrylate coatings are treated with abrasive equipment (belt or disc grinders) and the resulting dust is removed.
- Remove all traces of rust and degrease metal surfaces.
- Do not allow ambient air moisture to condense on the spraying surface.
- Spray surface temperature should be at least 3 °C above the measured dew point.
- Do not spray at wind speeds above 7 m/s.
- Spraying is not recommended at ambient temperatures above 20 °C.
Processing rules
For high pressure machines:
Ambient temperature from −15 to 15 ° C.
Flow heater temperature: component A — 30-35 ° C, component B — 50-60 ° C, hose temperature: 30-35 ° C.
At temperatures from −15 ° C to 5 ° C it is recommended to apply a priming PU layer of 2-3 mm, leave for 2-8 hours until the strength, then apply a layer of FPU in one pass of not more than 25 mm.4
Ambient temperature is 15-20 °С.
Flow heater temperature: component A — 30-35 ° C, component B — 45-55 ° C, hose temperature — 30-35 ° C. Apply a layer of polyurethane foam in one pass not more than 25 mm.
For low pressure machines:
Ambient temperature from −15 to 15 ° C.
Barrel with component A heated to 30-35 ° C, component B — to 55-60 ° C. Hoses must be insulated.
At temperatures from −15 ° C to 5 ° C it is recommended to apply a primer layer of PU 2-3 mm, leave for 2-8 hours until the strength, then apply a layer of PPU in one pass, not more than 25 mm.
Ambient temperature is 15-20 ° C.
Temperature of component A — 30-35 ° C, component B — 45-50 ° C. Apply a PU layer in one pass not more than 25 mm.
Trial spraying
Before applying PU, perform a test spraying on an area of 2 m2 to check the performance of the system. Check the start and lift-off times of the foam and check them against those specified in the technical information.
In 10 minutes after spraying cut the sample and visually evaluate the structure. The structure should be fine-cellular, without any visible defects: shells, air bubbles, etc. If the composition has not foamed, the foam is brittle or elastic, you should check the brand and expiration date of the components, the correct dosage, set the temperature and pressure, then perform a second test spraying.
Recommendations for spraying
Spraying is performed from a distance of 0.6-1.0 m. The operator should direct the sprayer perpendicular to the insulated surface. Spraying should be done evenly, without pauses and jerks in the movement of the sprayer. Polyurethane foam insulation is applied in 2-4 layers. The thickness of the foamed layer in one pass should be no more than 25 mm in order to avoid overheating of the foam and deterioration of the quality of the foam. Spray the next layer at a temperature no higher than 40 ° C, if necessary, to measure with a pyrometer. Do not apply the next layer of FPU, if the previous one has not foamed. Stop spraying the FPU in case of rain. Continue when the previous layer of polyurethane foam and the surface to be insulated is completely dry. Start spraying from hard-to-reach places: gables, chimneys, vents, etc.
Equipment cleaning
Tools, equipment, contaminated surfaces are cleaned with solvents (acetone, dimethylformamide, etc.). Cured PUF is removed mechanically (metal brush, spatula).
System consumption per 1 m2
Consumption of the system for 1 m2 of thermal insulation thickness of 5 cm — 2-2.4 kg, or yield from the set — 9-11 m3.
Health effects and precautions
- Finished PU products are harmless to the human body and the environment.
- Component A is a low-hazard product in terms of its effect on the body. In contact with the skin causes irritation. In contact with the eyes causes irreversible consequences.
- Component B in contact with skin and eyes causes irritation. Harmful if inhaled.
Safety precautions
- When working with components, the room must be well ventilated and equipped with fire extinguishing means.
- Use personal protective equipment: special clothing and shoes, protective gloves and goggles with side shields, respirator/protective mask of BKF or B grade.
- In case of contact with the components of the PU on exposed skin, remove them with a cotton swab or tissue and wash with warm water and soap, in case of skin reactions it is necessary to consult a doctor.
- In case of contact with the components of the PU in the eyes immediately rinse them with plenty of running water for 5-10 minutes, then consult a doctor.
Storage conditions
Component systems are transported in the manufacturer’s packaging by rail and road transport in accordance with cargo transportation rules, which ensure package integrity, reliable fixation without leakage and damage.
Component systems should be stored in covered warehouses in sealed original packaging under conditions that exclude moisture. Storage temperature for component A — from −60 ° C to +30 ° C, for component B as recommended by the manufacturer.